Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Beginning...

Well, it was inevitable I guess that at some point I would forgo my long tradition of keeping journals for a more high-tech form of marking time. At 28 (and a 1/2) I find I am looking closer to 30 than 20 and that has started an ever-changing stream of thoughts. The goal of this exercise (personally) is to track and at times even relish the changes that are coming down the road. This way, I have less ink on my hand, am leaving less of a carbon foot print (see Gore... us republicans have a heart) , and am leaving myself wide open for review and comment, as I'm sure that you (the reader) are smarter than I about that which I am about to experience.

At present, I find myself wondering what my 30's will bring. Will I be the Mom carting around kidlets to various lessons, team sports, play-dates, etc... or will I go down the path of the career-driven woman... (I like to imagine I'm more Oprah than Martha in that scenario.)

It is my hope that it will in fact not be a choice, but a gift. A blend of both, creating variety and keeping me always on my toes. For those that are on this ride currently, I welcome your comments and insights, provided that they are not mean-spirited. Or involved reminiscing about how Neon t-shirts used to be "in" and how you happen to have several pictures of me wearing said shirts from that period I'll only refer to as, " hey... it was the 80's... everyone looked bad!"