Friday, July 10, 2009
What is a Hero?
Why am I writing this? Because after a week of almost non-stop coverage of the death of Michael Jackson, the details of his memorial, and now, the questions of how much the city of Los Angeles paid towards it. Frankly I'm a little frustrated with all of the attention that is being paid to one individual when there are so many "hero's" that walk among us, often with no one to walk in front of them declaring their great actions.
It isn't that I don't think MJ didn't affect many with his music and style... but certainly our daily life is effected more by the bus drivers that get kids to school safely; the soldiers who leave behind family and friends to travel to far off places and protect those they don't know; the doctor who takes extra time with their patients to make sure they understand their medical diagnoses and how to properly take the medicines... the list could go on.
Why is it, that our culture puts so much value on those with great visibility and often wealth... and we think if someone meets those standards than surely the individual is worthy of so much attention as they are clearly doing great things... and yet we walk by those doing truly heroic things everyday when we go to get our coffee and we say nothing in appreciation.
I'll spare you the list of all the people in my life that I think are hero's, mainly because it would only embarrass them and I don't want to do that.
This post is as much for me as it is to you the reader... a challenge to remember who our hero's truly are... and to not wait until they are gone to show our appreciation for them.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
What is a Gluten?

Okay... so recently some of you know I found out I have Celiac Disease and can no longer have gluten's. What you probably don't know, is how hungry and frustrated I've been since learning that diagnoses... because I'm still trying to figure out what I can and can't eat. For years I have been misdiagnosed by doctors and so learning what the root issue is... should be thrilling. But right now I'm still overwhelmed. Thankfully I have found a lot of information online, and I'm seeing a nutritionist after the holiday to learn how to build a menu and shop for my vegetarian - gluten free needs. And all the while... I am struggling with the thought of how to tell my bf's mom who is a phenomenal cook and baker... I can't have any of her creations because they contain wheat, rye and barley.
The doctor gave me a brochure and book that suggests I hand the following to family and servers at restaurants... and I just feel so darn picky!
The card reads: The Following Make Me Extremely Sick...
Wheat, Barley, Oats, Rye, flour, egg noodles, beer, MSG, sauces thickened with flour, tamari, soy sauce, teriyaki, matzo, couscous, bulgar, seitan, wheat germ, caramel coloring, "natural flavors", bouillon cubes, chicken or soup stocks, malt, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, natural/artificial flavorings, general starches, maltodextrin, distilled vinegar, packaged spices that come in bulk, and anything whose ingredients are not known.
Oh...and please use clean utensils, pots, pans, and surfaces that have not been used for any other food. Please use fresh water/oil that has not been used for any other food.
Even I don't want to go to lunch with me at this point! Clearly this post is part venting... part request for help. How do I handle those situations where I'm going to someones house for dinner... and I need to let them know of my restrictions, but I don't want to be rude.
I've never been high maintenance with my vegetarian choice... but now I'm starting to feel that way.
Monday, June 22, 2009
In the mood for a little Disney Fix...

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Spring and Sunday Baseball Games...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday, March 1, 2009
March Already?
While sitting in traffic I had the thought, "Is this all there is? Is this what it means to be an adult?"
I find myself wrestling with that a bit more each day. I have a job that I love, clients who appreciate what I do, family and friends close by (and thanks to facebook, spread-out), a fantastic boyfriend who loves me and shows it everyday... and yet... something is missing. I feel like I should be doing more.
When I graduate college, the quest was to find a job making lots of money so I could pay off student loans, buy a new car and maybe even a house. Now... almost 4 years later... student loan invoices still arrive each month (ugh), still have the same car and despite the fact that it is 10 yrs old, it's a Toyota with 230,000 and still no major overhauls needed... it still gets me around. Oh... and I live in an apartment.
Two years ago I started to watch friends buying newer BMW's, 4,000 sq ft homes, and fantastic shoes (hey, we all have our thing, that's mine.) and it made me feel as if I was lagging in "growing up dept." But still, I couldn't make myself spend irresponsibly (well... except for those fabulous Kate Spades... that was irresponsible but still lovely.) And now, I have 6 friends going thru foreclosure, 3 going thru a divorce, several stressing every month how they'll stay on top of things... and wondering how they got to that point. And I don't mean this to sound judgemental at all... but I feel extremely lucky I didn't go down that path.
And so all of this brings me back to my original thought... is this all there is?
If nothing else, I hope this current downturn in our economy snaps people out of the trance of just buying things and collecting more stuff. Maybe the historians will look back on this time as a period of introspection, when we realized that stuff (and the pursuit of stuff) while fun for awhile, isn't filling and doesn't make us better people.
So... besides work, family and friends... I'm now looking for that other component I seem to be missing. Any suggestions where it might be found?
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The Beginning...
At present, I find myself wondering what my 30's will bring. Will I be the Mom carting around kidlets to various lessons, team sports, play-dates, etc... or will I go down the path of the career-driven woman... (I like to imagine I'm more Oprah than Martha in that scenario.)
It is my hope that it will in fact not be a choice, but a gift. A blend of both, creating variety and keeping me always on my toes. For those that are on this ride currently, I welcome your comments and insights, provided that they are not mean-spirited. Or involved reminiscing about how Neon t-shirts used to be "in" and how you happen to have several pictures of me wearing said shirts from that period I'll only refer to as, " hey... it was the 80's... everyone looked bad!"