When I was younger one of the quickest ways my parents could punish me was to have me outside, in the heat, pulling weeds, planting, trimming, spraying, etc alongside of them. I hated it. I could never understand why anyone in there right mind would spend a perfectly good weekend doing such arduous chores. Until now...
I've lived with roommates, on my own, and now with a roommate (my younger sister... ). My love of plants and flowers has always existed, I just never liked the chores that went along with it. Until now... unfortunately this drives my sister nuts. While I think they add lovely colors along the path to our door... to her, they are a waste of time, and a encourager of bugs.
I wish I could explain to her that I do not plant to annoy her... it is my quiet time. Fountain sounds creating a relaxing audible background for a Sunday of digging, potting, etc... is a nice exchange from phone calls, no-shows, and sitting in traffic 5 days a week.
Strange how it is now her instead of I that finds all of this annoying... but now I also understand why my parents must also enjoy it. It is a quiet opportunity to reflect and figure out what went wrong the week before, what can be done (if anything to fix it), and how to do things differently going forward. I wonder what other traits that used to bother me I'll adopt??
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