Monday, June 22, 2009

In the mood for a little Disney Fix...

You know I'm in the mood for a little Disney fix when I start dressing up the dog in Mickey Mouse ears! I'm not sure what it is, but this time every year, at the onset of summer... I find myself really, really wanting to go to Disneyland. Maybe it's one of those things that stick with you from childhood?

With my birthday coming up, I find myself really wanting to go there with D., even if it means he'll find out what a total dork I really am! It is not an exaggeration to say, that I literally skip from the parking lot to the front gates. The lines don't even bother me so much when I can snuggle up with someone who makes me laugh so much. And... right about 4pm I start to feel ready for a nap. But by 8 or 9 I'm back up and eagerly awaiting the fireworks show. Never fails, I'll crash out on the way home...

What is it about Disneyland that can make an almost 30 year old woman act like a kid again?? I'm not sure... but I'm happy to go again and again, with the hope of finding out!

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