Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What is a Gluten?

Okay... so recently some of you know I found out I have Celiac Disease and can no longer have gluten's. What you probably don't know, is how hungry and frustrated I've been since learning that diagnoses... because I'm still trying to figure out what I can and can't eat. For years I have been misdiagnosed by doctors and so learning what the root issue is... should be thrilling. But right now I'm still overwhelmed. Thankfully I have found a lot of information online, and I'm seeing a nutritionist after the holiday to learn how to build a menu and shop for my vegetarian - gluten free needs. And all the while... I am struggling with the thought of how to tell my bf's mom who is a phenomenal cook and baker... I can't have any of her creations because they contain wheat, rye and barley.

The doctor gave me a brochure and book that suggests I hand the following to family and servers at restaurants... and I just feel so darn picky!

The card reads: The Following Make Me Extremely Sick...

Wheat, Barley, Oats, Rye, flour, egg noodles, beer, MSG, sauces thickened with flour, tamari, soy sauce, teriyaki, matzo, couscous, bulgar, seitan, wheat germ, caramel coloring, "natural flavors", bouillon cubes, chicken or soup stocks, malt, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, natural/artificial flavorings, general starches, maltodextrin, distilled vinegar, packaged spices that come in bulk, and anything whose ingredients are not known.

Oh...and please use clean utensils, pots, pans, and surfaces that have not been used for any other food. Please use fresh water/oil that has not been used for any other food.


Even I don't want to go to lunch with me at this point! Clearly this post is part venting... part request for help. How do I handle those situations where I'm going to someones house for dinner... and I need to let them know of my restrictions, but I don't want to be rude.

I've never been high maintenance with my vegetarian choice... but now I'm starting to feel that way.


  1. I can feel your pain, as we struggle with life threatening food allergies with my little guy. I will say it does get easier. I always have a supply of my own food for him, wherever I go. Even if we are eating at friends, it is just a precaution, that way they are not responsible for any mistakes in the kitchen. Most people, especially friends understand. Now, we do not have celiac, but did spend a few weeks eliminating from the same card, to see if that helped his GI symptoms. He has a low level wheat and soy allergy. Medium to high level egg. Very high to peanut and all tree nuts and even some seeds.

    I will pray for you, food issues are so tough. Some people will never get it either.

  2. E: Thank you so much for your comment. It is certainly encouraging as I know you and Randy have really had to change much in your kitchen and when you go out... and Jack is thriving. I'm sure I'll get better at this in time... it's just a lot to change.

  3. I know this post is old, but I hope you'll see my comment anyway! I have a son who was allergic to dairy, egg, soy, wheat, peanut and egg as an infant and toddler. He has gradually outgrown the allergies, with the exception of dairy and peanut. It is hard to eat out, and sending food back is always difficult. I am also dairy allergic, and gluten intolerant, although I do not have celiac disease. It can be really frustrating, and sometimes when I'm at an event, there is literally nothing to eat but fruit, and there is never any dessert that is ok for me. I used to choose what to order for my meal based on the dessert menu, but now I choose the restaurant based on whether or not they can make something that won't make me sick! When my son was little, I would have to make breakfast before we could go out to breakfast so we could take it along for him.

    It gets easier as you go along. I used to really want what other people were eating, especially if it was dessert. I used to sneak a little here and there, but after getting really sick, I no longer even want a bite of whatever contains dairy (wheat doesn't affect me as much).

    The point is, hang in there, it does get easier, and you'll feel so much better too!
